Foxglove Farm

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Cavapoo Puppy Love ❤️

Cavapoo puppy Memphis says to tell everyone he is actually the best boy of the bunch! He is such a character. When he wants a treat or a pat on the head, he scrunches his little bottom down and sits very politely, just like a little statue. He's watched Hastings perform for treats, and he's figured out that any and all cute behavior is rewarded with cookies. How adorable is that?

Don't be fooled by his slightly forlorn expression; some puppies, like some people (myself included), are not thrilled with having their pictures taken. I totally sympathize; he just wasn't at all convinced that my big black camera was his idea of fun. I have to laugh though; as soon as the camera went away, he was all jolly and bouncing around; the moment I picked it up, his eyes got big as saucers and he was obviously “posing” for all he was worth, silly puppy!

Loving his deepest mahogany color, that rich, wavy coat, and those beautiful spaniely ears. His disposition (as long as the camera is put away!) is sunny and outgoing and yet thoughtful. He’s a most delightful little guy and teaching him a whole repertoire of tricks should be easily accomplished. He's just slightly brilliant!

Postscript: Memphis is established in his new home and doing the job I raised him to do, bringing Puppy Joy! Isn’t this the best picture ever!?? They look like brothers lol!

From his new family…

“Best day ever! thank you both so much! Everyone is completely in love with Memphis ❤️ ❤️”