Foxglove Farm

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Our May Cavachon Puppies are here!

Here’s a preview of our sweet new Cavachon litter! 

The largest litter we’ve had! Eight Cavachon babies will be ready for their forever homes on May 5th!

 My perennial favorites, Cavachons are perfect for those puppy novices out there, they are truly the comfort spaniels of the Cavalier hybrids.  Beautiful, smart, easy to train, the most loving and loyal pups on the planet!

Let me know soon if you think of these precious pups belongs home with you! 

Warm Wags, Terry Cross 


"Daisy Pearl" was not too excited about the cute little hair bow that I thought looked she looked perfectly precious wearing.  She complied with a drooping countenance but the moment it slid off onto her paws she decided things were definitely looking up in Puppyville!  

Flea season is upon us!  Here’s a link to my free eBook on fighting them naturally.  Don’t risk your health or the health of your beloved pets to toxic flea products, there’s a safer way I promise!