Foxglove Farm

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Woof! Sweet Christmas puppies posted! Hello

Hello my puppy people,

I posted 3 of the most precious baby girls I've had all year!  They were BORN with the most amazing personalities (and totally adorable too!) Easy-Peasy for those puppy newbies out there! HO HO HO!

“Thank you so much for taking so much time talking with me, you are a fountain of Cavachon knowledge. I’ve been on your website every day, I think I’ve read every word, your puppies are so gorgeous! I met a man here in Toledo who has two of your beautiful dogs & he told me that I absolutely HAVE to buy from you!” — Jennifer in Ohio

Here are two of mom's favorites:

Foxglove Farm Little Snowflake

Foxglove Farm Dudley

Warm Wags and Merry Christmas from Foxglove Farm! ps... please scroll to the bottom for our special news!!! :)