🌸 New litter of Cavapoos & Cavachons posting this week for delivery in APRIL! 🌸

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Warmest Wags Always,

Miss Terry

Foxglove Farm


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Puppy Blog

Welcome to Foxglove Farm, I love to write about our beautiful Cavachons. You may also find puppy training tips, product reviews, and a few good stories.

Puppy Personality Puzzles Or The Puppy Scout Personified

Terry Cross

A puppy scout in the making!

A puppy scout in the making!


One of my favorite things is matching families with the puppy that best fits their home and lifestyle.  As I watch each new litter of puppy babies begin to mature and grow, I watch for clues to see what each puppy's personality is developing like, subtle and not so subtle clues are sprinkled through each day.

Here's a little puppy drama that was simply bursting with signs that a dog breeder should be on the watch for, little helps to show what baby should go to which particular home, the home that will help him or her bloom into a lovely adult companion.  The rather forlorn little girl puppy in the playpen pictured above was working on her crate training.  Much to her dismay, the other puppies were romping just within view, she was unhappy and it wasn't long before another of her littermates, a little boy puppy with a very soft nature came trotting over to see what the problem was.


This sweetly sympathetic little guy was soon doing his best to entertain his baby sister, see how he lies down close enough to engage her in a game, the rest of the puppies were off exploring but he was quite content to play and calm enough to settle happily.

Cavachon puppies at play

Other clues where bouncing across the grass, enjoying the early hint of Fall in the air.  This little character, brave and confident though the smallest in the litter, decided a walk to the far reaches of his small world was in order.



Even content to be on his own away from his siblings, he'll be a upstanding little canine citizen, showing a pleasing amount of confidence for such a youngster, he'll make a tiny pocket sized watch dog I'm sure!

Sable & Tri-Color Cavachon puppies

Ahhh, but sometimes even in the midst of such scientific pondering one must simply have lie down in the cool grass and enjoy a beautiful late summer day with a furry little friend and leave the musings for another time!