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Warmest Wags Always,

Miss Terry

Foxglove Farm


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What is the difference between a Cavapoo and a Cavachon?

Cavachon vs. Cavapoo: Which Breed is Right for You? Size, Coat, Personality & More

So first of all, I love both Cavachons and Cavapoos; they are both incredible as family dogs; the Cavachon takes the top spot in my heart by a whisker, but both breeds have pros and cons which I’d like to share here to help you make the best choice between these delightful canine companions.

Breed Basics

  • Cavachons and Cavapoos became wildly popular several years ago with good reason, beautiful sturdy but small dogs with lovely spaniel expressions, flowing coats, and a vast array of available color combinations.

  • Their personalities and temperaments are without equal in the canine world. Both the Cavachon and the Cavapoo are friendly dogs who

  • Affectionate & smart small dogs who do an incredible job of combining big dog sensibilities with all the best qualities of the many designer dogs and hybrids available today.