Our Reviews
Cavachon and Cavapoo owners write reviews and letters of thanks and even send photos of our Cavapoo and Cavachon puppies all grown up, as well as tales of their exploits and adventures.
“I have to tell you Terry, your dogs are so special; Tia was my heart, and Tucker too; but 3 families we know purchased Cavachons from other breeders and their dogs are nothing like ours! I tell everyone, you have to get your puppy from Foxglove Farm, they are just the most incredible dogs!”
From Elizabeth Garceau, who purchased her first Foxglove Farm Cavachon over 15 years ago, her darling Tia, then, 7 years ago, Cavapoo puppy boy Tucker came home to New Hampshire, bringing another suitcase full of Puppy Joy for their family. Her 3rd Foxglove puppy, Autumn Leaves, will leave for Boston in a few days to fill the enormous void left when Tia passed away at 15 wonderful years of age…
I love letters and reviews from our Cavachon and Cavapoo puppy parents!
I love what I do,,, really and truly, how amazing is it to meet a family in Columbus at the airport with a little Cavachon bundle of puppy joy, to be part of an amazing surprise for two of the most adorable little girls, to see those precious smiles...
I receive letters and glowing reviews in my Inbox almost daily from past Puppy People, pictures at Christmas of silly, funny, furry all grown up now Cavachons, my babies, now dressed in Santa's outfits, wearing reindeer antlers. Summer photos of my "kids" swimming in the pool, standing with ears flying in the wind, wearing a doggie life preserver, out on the bow of the family boat.
I have to admit, this is the most incredible “review” I’ve ever received; just hearing about Kaz and Jax and Milly Grace, and the truly life-changing way they are helping autistic kids in Michigan. And now? A FOURTH Foxglove Farm puppy is heading north to work with these special children, our dear Glory Be will have big pawprints to fill but I know she also has greatness in her!
Hi Terry, Our Kaz is flourishing in our autism program. He’s teaching the kiddos safe behaviors around dogs he doesn't even flinch if they scream or run at him and is used to the max as a “reward” for them. At the center Kaz has lived with about 100 people a day (!!!) in and out of the center and about 40 children with autism. Everyone comments that he is the best puppy they have ever seen. The adults and kids adore him. He sits at the front door waiting to greet everyone, then throughout the day goes down to the kids program and sits in music or plays in the gym with them.
We have had several kids speak their first sentence to ask for Kaz time, he has prompted some to say their first sound or word. They get to take him for walks in the center or sit and pet him for a reward The kids also get to earn “Kaz Time”. He is beyond amazing, and I think the most socialized puppy ever. The building is about 28,000 sq feet and he has free access most of the time to go visit people. He goes to the door when he needs to go out, and someone grabs his leash and walks him.
Thank you so much,
Tammy Peterson and Kaz, Jax, & Millie Grace.
Postscript: The “baby” is amazing! My dad named him Jax. He immediately bonded with my dad and mom. Two weeks after his arrival my dad went in for a “overnight” surgery. Six weeks later he was discharged to my care. There was an error with a wound vac, it was a knee replacement and as a result, he is in my care. I have a center that has hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers.
The doctor wanted him in the chamber twice a day and round the clock IV’s, so I moved him to my center. Hence, Jax has been basically at the center 18 hours a day. (I bring him home with me at night to let my parents rest without having to take him out).
Here is a picture of Jax “helping” my dad during a physical therapy session. Everyone loves him!
Tami Peterson in Michigan
Oh! What a DARLING!!! I love seeing my puppies pop up on Google! What a lovely review from Katherine Lewis (thanks Katherine for sharing your baby 😊
“I did my research for about a year since this was going to be the very first dog our family has owned. I was a bit nervous, but I kept going back to Foxglove's website and reading EVERYTHING on it. All of Terry's puppies were absolutely darling.
She also has her own line of pet products and has written a book for new puppy owners so I knew she would be able to help us throughout this journey. I was a bit indecisive based only upon looking at the puppy pictures, so I flew to Ohio the day after she posted a new litter to meet 2 of the puppies.
The minute I got to her farm, I knew which one was going to come home with us! Not only does Terry care about her puppies, but also she makes sure puppies are the right fit for your family.
Our angel was sleeping through the night in a crate from day one and has been nothing but wonderful! I wish I had found Foxglove Farms 10 years ago and made the BEST decision of my life then!!!!!!” Google Reviews for Foxglove Farm
Terry was a pleasure to work with in finding just the right puppy to fit our family. We wanted a laid-back puppy that could also be active with our daughters, stay relatively small and LOW BARKING. So far, Winston (formerly Oakie) has been such an added joy to our family. After the house training is over, he will be a “perfect 10”. He has barked MAYBE 4-5 times total and is the most loving, snuggly little thing.
We absolutely ADORE him! Thank you, Terry!
Hello Terry!!
This is a picture of Lily today on her 10th birthday. She is doing well and I always think of you on this day... I am so grateful for your work and this beautiful gift of Lily. She has a heart of gold and is the most wonderful girl in the world... I am mindful of her age and I'm looking forward to receiving an order for your probiotics in September...
I always follow your website for relaxation and from my love of Lily. I hope you are well ....and thank you once again.
Tinka Powell
Hi Terry,
It's funny how you end up at certain places in your life. I saw a video on-line of a Cavachon puppy and wondered, "What is a Cavachon?" I hadn't heard of the breed, so I googled it. It took me the Foxglove Designer Puppies website. After reading a bit about them, I clicked on the "Available Puppies" tab and there she was. This adorable little face that just spoke to me through the screen. I knew I just had to have her. I started working on my husband, who DID not want another dog (we had 2 boxers at the time). I finally won his approval and we went to get her.
Now here's the funny part, instantly my husband took to her and fell head-over-heels in love with her. We both did. But, who wouldn't. She is unlike any other dog I have ever known. She has it all. She lets you hold her like a baby and will actually sleep this way, her tail wags non-stop (even in her sleep at times), she's wicked smart and was potty trained and learned all of her tricks almost immediately. But what I love most are her endearing eyes that is a gateway to her warm and loving personality.
Looking back over the past 2-1/2 years, she has enriched and enhanced our lives so immensely. I can't imagine our lives without her. She IS our four-legged daughter. She goes to work with us each day, travels on the plane with us when we go to our Florida home, and everything in between. We adore her!
I used to think we got soooooo lucky (which I still believe), but my parents now have Callie's cousin and he is proving that it's not just Callie, there is something very special about the breed and about the way Foxglove handles these precious little bundles before they find their forever home.
So, thank you, Terry! We are blessed!"
Ruth & Jeff Hague
So what in the world you ask my dearest of Puppy People, is that title blurb about MAKING someone buy a puppy??? That my dear friends will require that you take a little journey over to my Agatha's Apothecary Blog where I'm celebrating "National Dog Day" (even I was taken aback at that one lol!) To read the REST of the story Click Here and scroll down the page to the Blog section : )
Here are a few more of the most recent letters and reviews from our past amazing Puppy People and their adorable Foxglove puppies! My Inbox is a delight, with stories and photos of my puppy kids and tales of them doing the job I raise each of them to do; BRING PUPPY JOY!
I always say that I have the BEST Puppy People on the planet and I am grateful for each one of you.
(Don't miss this first letter from Brenda Davis, amazing to see Jack & Lily this past Christmas still as adorable and loving as they were when she picked them up at Foxglove Farm over TEN YEARS AGO!
“Here are Jack and Lily who will soon be 9 & 10 years old,,, it seems like yesterday I drove to your house, met you and picked up my sweet boy Jack”...”
What a blessing to be part of their journey of being exceedingly faithful & loving companions for so many years!!!"
(Is it any wonder that many of your letters bring me to happy tears?)
Hi Terry,
Jack and Rosebud wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Healthy New Year. These 2 little bundles of love have given me (and all who meet them) so much joy. Can’t believe they will be 9 and 10 years old in 2018. It seems like yesterday I drove to your house, met you and my sweet boy Jack. He is the sweetest, smartest, and most loyal dog I have ever had. Miss Rosebud is still as sassy and loveable as ever. She is totally a mama’s girl and enjoys sleeping on my head every night!!!! Yes, they are both very spoiled and they sleep in my bed. Jack prefers to sleep under the covers and spoons with me and Rosebud sleep on a pillow above my head.
What a gift they continue to be and I give thanks for the day our paths crossed. Please continue to breed these wonderful dogs because I know the day will come that I will be putting my name on your waiting listing.
God Bless you,
Brenda Davis
Hi Terry!
I just wanted to tell you how absolutely thrilled I've been with Dylan aka Mr. Waggy. Not only is he absolutely adorable and incredibly sweet, he is also one of the smartest puppies I've ever had the pleasure of training in over a decade of training dogs professionally. I simply can't believe how lucky I am to be his mom. He's only been with me for a week and is already mastering sit, down, touch, look, leave it, come, heel, loose leash walking, and pottying on command. We've also made huge strides in housebreaking! He LOVES our training time and is so excited to please. We're starting formal classes at the end of the month, at a training facility that specializes in CGC training and rally.
When he's not training, he's having a blast going on long hikes in the woods, playing tug and tag with my senior pup, and bringing me all 50 of his squeaky toys for playtime and shenanigans. He is such a gem! I can't thank you enough for all you do to breed these amazing pups and set them up for success. We couldn't be happier!
Hi Terry,
I hope all is well with you. I wanted to let you know what a joy it has been to have “Riley” formerly known as Sage. I don’t know how we lived without him! He’s a dream puppy and is so very sweet and good-tempered! It has been fun to watch my husband, who initially wasn’t necessarily wanting to get a puppy, fall head over heels in love with him! He is a total blessing to our family.
(And you were right about him, he does need his own Instagram page!! Everywhere we go, people stop to meet him. They take pictures with him. I’ve found I have to plan more time in my schedule to allow for Riley to “socialize with this fan club” - LOL!)
He has been great on the boat, is an excellent traveler (in the car and on the airplane), and he has been easy to train. Did I mention we are blessed!?!?
On a side note, a few weeks ago, I was out walking Riley and someone drove by and stopped to ask me about him. She had her dog in the car and he looked eerily similar to Riley. Sure enough, she also bought her Cavapoo from you! I think she bought her puppy from you about three years ago when she lived in New York. She recently moved to Charlotte and lives a few streets over from us. We plan to get our dogs together soon for a play date!
I attached a few pictures to share with you. As you can tell, he is absolutely the cutest puppy ever!
Again, thanks for everything!!!
Amy in Charlotte
Pepper the Cavachon sharing some puppy love with her adoring owner.
From Jane Jackson back in 2011 who thinks there should be a support group for Puppy People who can’t stop with just ONE Foxglove baby lol:
I am serious though, a 12 step program may be necessary for some folks. Foxglove Puppies are addictive and should come with a warning: This puppy will not only steal your heart but disconnect your brain, in that you will want to spend any and all monies available to buy more Foxglove puppies immediately, if not sooner. I myself, am going out to buy a lottery ticket so if my ship comes in I can have an enormous amount of land and own a little herd of these darlings. Yes, that is now my new dream! Social work is not going to cut it - I must win the lottery, otherwise it may takes years if not decades to fulfill my new dream!
I don't how you are doing it, but your puppies are the cutest, AND the sweetest I now know, of all the puppies in the universe. Am I exaggerating? Not in my experience. Ok, I'm an animal nut - and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my dogs - but you do what you do VERY, VERY WELL! How's that for an endorsement? And you are fun to boot - just an extra bonus thrown in at no charge. Thank God you have a sense of humor, because this process made me a little wacky!
Bingo is an amazing little guy! Such a little character - and so sweet and so smart! He has been here less than 6 hours (after traveling most of the day) and has adapted like he has been in my home forever. That shows an amazing amount of talent and care on your part and I thank you!
I love it when parents get great puppies for their kids!
Hi Terry!
Just a quick note to tell you Pepper ("Icing") is doing great. We love having her in the family!
My photographer friend, Martha Schickler, emailed some pictures to us this morning and I wanted to pass them along to you. They were taken a while back (before shaggy Pepper's first puppy cut).
I also included a few lower-quality but more recent shots. I especially love the one in which my daughter's friends are gushing over her adorable pup ;)
We have also enjoyed taking Pepper to her weekly "puppy kindergarten" class where we have learned a lot about positive training and that, to our absolute delight, Pepper is very easy to train! She knows the commands sit, come, shake, roll-over, down, and drop it.
She most recently learned to not jump up on people for attention but to sit and wait for them to come to her (hooray!) AND she now rings a bell to go potty!
Pepper loves her weekly "puppy play time hour" with the same trainer. Her favorite thing is to rumble in the ball bath with "Teddy," the toy poodle. It's amazing how Pepper remembers who her buddies are from the previous week and will go to them immediately. It has been a highlight for my family to watch her here - we are proud of our confident and social pup!
Upon hearing stories from the other owners at these classes, I am especially grateful for the wonderful start Pepper got with you. We really appreciate that she came to us crate-trained, socialized, and prepped for housebreaking.
Thanks again, Terry! I am so grateful I stumbled upon your website and will recommend Foxglove to anyone who inquires : )
In Gratitude,
the Williams Family
Hi Terry,
I brought Frisbee the cavapoo (now called Spud) home 3 months ago and wanted to tell you what an absolute delight he is. He is truly the sweetest and most gentle puppy -- he wants to say hello to every human and every dog we meet, and he elicits so many smiles wherever we go. I get stopped on the street all the time by people saying he has the most expressive face and looks like a little stuffed animal.
He has been so easy to train and socialize, and he was the star of his puppy kindergarten class.
You were right on when you said he was sporty-- he loves to play with all his toys and we often find him sleeping on top of a stuffed animal as a pillow. We are so in love with him -- his personality and health and temperament greatly exceeded our expectations and I will be forever grateful that we decided to go with foxglove for our first puppy. I absolutely can't imagine life without him.
Thank you for all that you do in bringing puppy joy to the world :).
Did you think we had dropped off the earth? All is well with the Griffin family including our little Princess Boo. I can't believe it's been five months since we picked her up from the airport.
I hope all is well with you and your family. Did you have a crazy cold winter there?
Boo is absolutely the most precious little girl and we can't imagine life without her. She has such a big personality - she's actually more human than dog. She charms everyone who meets her - all 6.5 pounds of her.
She has her routine down and we have all been trained to go along with it. She is now sleeping with mom and dad - and she REALLY likes sleeping there - so she gets up in the morning when dad coaxes her out from under the covers. She plays "G.I. Boo" as Mike calls her by lying flat and dragging herself along the sheets with her front legs. She's just taking as long as possible to get out of bed. She then has her Fiber One cereal and yogurt with mom. She likes Fiber One better than any human.
After breakfast it's time to play until brother Brian comes down, then it's time to act crazy with him. Of course, she has to get the mail out of the mail slot before mom and run through the house dancing with it. Around 11:00, her BIG friend Bo (who is a giant Goldendoodle weighing 150 pounds) comes to the door to say "Hello" to Boo. His mom walks him (without a leash) every morning and Boo goes crazy when he comes to see her. When they are outside together Boo stands on her back legs and jumps up and down but she doesn't even come close to touching his chin. They romp around the yard until the moms split them up. Boo has no idea she's not as big as Bo.
At noon, Mike comes home for lunch and she announces his arrival until I open the back door so she can run out to meet him. Then it's play time again with dad! After he leaves, it's time for a nap in the sun on the rug in front of the door. After nap she gets a short walk in the park (weather permitting). Then comes the best time of the day - dinner! Boo loves raw zucchini, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli and green beans. And she loves chicken and steak, but her most favorite thing in the world is PASTA! When she sees the big pot come out of the cabinet she starts her happy dance because pasta is just a few minutes away.
I always put her dinner on a small saucer. We have now realized she knows the difference in the sound of a dinner plate and saucer coming out of the cabinet. The saucer makes a higher pitched "clink" sound. So if you get a dinner plate out, no big deal. However, if you happen to get out a saucer Boo will come running from wherever she is in the house because she thinks it will be for her. We now call saucers "Boo Plate Specials". And we never use a saucer unless it's for her.
After dinner it's time for some quiet play and then a little nap before going to bed. So at 10:30 it's outside for potty. Then she runs to the cabinet to make sure Mike makes her peanut butter Kong. Once she has supervised that she runs to the bottom of the stairs and waits (impatiently) for him to carry her upstairs. He puts her Kong on a blanket on the floor in our room where she laps up her peanut butter. Then she runs across the hall and pushes on Brian's bedroom door until it opens so she can tell him good night. After she has kissed him several times she runs in the bathroom where I am washing my face to say "hurry up!" Then it's back in the bedroom so Mike can put her in bed where they play "Attack the Hand Under the Covers" until mean mom comes in and says, "Lights Out!" She snuggles right next to one of us and goes to sleep and we don't even know she's in the bed.
As you can tell, Boo is pretty much never alone. And she goes with us just about everywhere we go. We've been working on a house in Tulsa (where our daughter used to live) trying to get it ready to sell. Boo just thinks it's a big empty carpeted playing field where she can run and romp and have a great time. We found some wigs out in the garage and let Boo play with them. That was a fun sight to watch.
We are expecting our first grandchild (boy) in 3 weeks. We wondered about Boo but she loves small children so much that we are certain she will love the baby and be so gentle with him. I did a test, though, by taking food out of her mouth to see if she would growl, snap, anything. And she did nothing which is wonderful. That let's me know she won't get upset with a toddler eating her food.
We had to have 7 of her baby teeth pulled a few weeks ago. Her baby teeth didn't fall out and so she looked really mean having a double row of teeth. She did fine and was no worse for the wear, but mom and dad aged a lot while waiting for her to finish.
We sometimes think we should get another baby for Boo to have someone with 4 legs to play with but she seems pretty happy so far with her 2-legged family. Maybe one day you with post another black puppy picture and we will have to have another. But for now Boo is filling our hearts to over full!
Thanks again for sending us such a precious bundle!
Love Teri Griffin
Boo Postscript:
Boo now weighs a whopping 7 pounds (too much pasta) and she has learned to go up and down the stairs! She looks like a tiny rocking horse going back and forth to go up and down -- both feet stay together on both front and back so it's a cute little rocking motion up and down. I guess I stayed upstairs just a bit too long one day so she finally gathered up her courage and up she came! She about scared the life out of me when I turned around and there she was. Now she's a little speedster jetting up and down. Her ability to climb them has caused Mike some grief. Now, after he takes her out in the morning, she flies back up the stairs to see if I will put her back in bed. Mike says she's too fast for him to stop her.
Terry, your commitment to raising these special little babies, and the wonderful instructions and advice you send with them, make having one of your puppies a total joy. Boo is very smart and easy to train, she is loving and gentle, yet she can be a wild child and play hard when she wants. She is a great companion and she only barks when she needs to go outside or when something is not quite right. If a car should park in front of the house, she lets us know that something is different. Or if we're upstairs and she hears a sound that's not normal, she lets us know. It's uncanny how she just wants to alert us to anything that she thinks we should know. I really appreciate that in her because I have lost so much of my hearing and she hears a lot of things I do not. It's very comforting having her in the house.
I loved looking at the new babies today and so loved the Fixer Upper theme. We love Chip and Joanna, too. Some day we may have to get another baby to keep Boo company, but we are perfectly happy with our sweet little Boo for now!
Love from us all!
Boo & the Griffins
First let me apologize for taking FOREVER to write to you about our dog. It was a great surprise to our children! They still talk about being so excited about having a dog in their house that is theirs! We decided to name him Max because that was the Grinch's dog's name and we got him for Christmas.
He is doing good. Right now we are on a 6 week trip in a motorhome going from South Carolina to California and stopping in between! We were worried about taking him because we didn't know how he would do and a friend offered to keep him but he is with us. He has been doing great! I have sent a couple of pictures of him - one at our home, one of him driving to see some friends in Oklahoma and one of him with my 3 children in Utah (Zion National Park).
We have gotten several comments on him about how cute he is, how good he is .... He has gotten by husband wrapped around his little paw! :)
Thank you again for all the help you gave me when I was buying our dog! You were a huge help and such a pleasure to work with. You helped us get a great dog for our family. He is a very sweet dog that has fit in with our family wonderful!
The Hagan Family
Scott, Deana, Shelby, Raney, Daulton and Max
Did I say Cavachons love the water? Here are Hannah & Woodstock Shields helping navagiate! How cute!!!
Terry, as promised, some pics.
We didn't take too many :( You receive so many testimonials regarding your puppies and it's not surprising after just 7 weeks with Paddy. I encourage anyone with a chronic health condition as I do--go consider your pups: intelligent, intuitive, hilarious, easy to train-
he is potty trained and knows 6 commands already very well. Joyous love. All day. Which is why we can't wait for our 2nd baby to arrive from you soon! Paddy will be a big brother!
His first camping trip to the Smokies and he loved it! His hunter Spaniel Nose found turtles, frogs, and other "real doggy" fun in mud and streams. A quick dip in a warm sink with suds and he's a happy camper!
Thank you
For a precious, loyal pup😊
Pamela Beck
Dear Terry,
Here are a few pics from Lizzie's going home day. Progress report follows after Christmas. We are so in love with this baby. Thank you. Have a wonderful Christmas,
Betty Sutherland
Dear dear Terry...i'm grateful everyday for Lily and i often think of when i was led to you (7 and 1/2 years ago)and was united with my sweet Lily.
Once again , thank you for your beautiful work.
You have been led to start these beautiful little creatures on their way to loving their families in their miraculous way.
I do believe she is a special gift in my life. She has the sweetest little heart and i am so blessed to spend everyday with her.
Thank you so much Terry.
(The Lord sends me such amazing puppy people, truly, and how blessed I am to be part of bringing such PUPPY JOY (and love and devotion and companionship!) to so many lives, I am grateful for every one of you, for being allowed to be part of your journey... Terry)
What a gorgeous couple! (And a totally adorable Cavachon puppy too!)
Here's Ambrose the Cavachon with Michael & Jenna, the best puppy surprise ever!!!
(From Charlotte who has Cody)
PS Dear Terry,
I wish I could ((( HUG))) you!
Cody, is by far, the best dog I have ever had and that is saying a lot!
He has not had a single accident since I have had him:)
He is intelligent, playful, affectionate and so darn cute! He does not realize he is only 3 pounds- he is a Big Boy! He has been such wonderful company for me and has been so great for helping me transition into the next chapter of my life.
Could you possibly find a man and train him for me? LOL
Hi Terry,
I have never bought a dog without seeing him but my friend just did and it worked out beautifully. I went through your website and saw all the happy reviews so I felt confident. I hope this email finds you well.
Blake is everything you said. He is a wonderful dog and has a great temperament. I was very skeptical about getting a dog without seeing him, but I had an instinct, (Along with some major research) and had I had flown out there, I would have picked him anyway!
You were right about Cavachons loving the water. I took Blake to Malibu, and we spent two days at my friends. I thought he was going to hate it as the ocean is kind of strong there. The first thing he did was walk straight into the ocean. I am attaching photos. He had a ball. I am taking him again this week.
Thank you Terry!
Trista Rullan
Beverly Hills, CA
(So many of our Puppy People end up getting a second (or 3rd!) puppy from Foxglove Farm. Here's too cute for word "Wesley" napping with "Winston" Heather Andersons' FIRST & SECOND Foxglove kids!
Hi Terry,
Greetings from Nashville! I wanted to update you on Bexley. We moved from Ohio to TN last spring. Bexley just had his 10th birthday and still has his puppy spirit. People are floored when they learn he's 10. He has never had a heath problem and is as sweet as ever! He is such a good dog, I wonder at times what I did to deserve such a companion. Hope you are well!
Bexley sends wet doggie kisses 😉
Melanie Assid
Hi Terry,
We promised you some skyline pictures so here you go! Bowie is right at home here in the Big Apple. We can't imagine our family without him!
He is truly the most amazing loving sweet well tempered little guy. He is the perfect balance of active, fun and cuddly. He has a huge love tank and loves nothing more than to snuggle in our laps at the end of the day. If the whole family is sitting together, he takes turns plopping down into each of our laps so as not to leave anyone out. We have managed to teach him excellent manners (along with a wonderful trainer) so he knows never to exit an elevator or go through a doorway without us telling him to first, and he sits down and waits patiently whenever he greets people or even other dogs. He LOVES being groomed and jumps for joy whenever he sees me take out his brush. Our groomer told us that he is a pure joy to groom and she has never had such a pleasant experience with a six month old puppy! Last but not least, he is terribly handsome with the softest white coat (our neighbor calls him 'cashmere') and perfectly placed apricot spots. We just adore him! I have attached a recent picture of him with the kids.
Thanks for everything!!
Lisa and Justin Pollock
"Carter" the Cavapoochon!
Hi Terry,
I see such gorgeous pups on you website! Everyone should know what a great job you do with these beautiful puppies and how blessed we are to be their puppy parents. You are the best!
Wish I could buy 3 more but Carter fills our hearts with such joy everyday that we are content with just one amazing Cavapoochon.
I noticed that the girls seem to go first but to all of your clients, let me say that the boys are such lovers ....never hesitate to bring a boy into your home and into to hearts, you won't be disappointed.!!!!
Very best,
Sharon Altsheler
I swear he was sent from Heaven Terry. He is soooo good. He is the talk of the neighborhood.
You should be proud. You make a lot of families happy :)
Bill Brinker
Here's Bruno enjoying his new wheels on Huntington Beach in California! Thanks for sharing your adorable little guy Dan!
I just thought I'd send you a picture of Ruby Slippers at 1 1/2 yrs old.
She is ADORABLE, very sweet and a bundle of energy.
Lisa & Eric Reimer
Hi Terry, We can't wait for Schooner's arrival, here's Ollie is at the beach with us and 12 children and grands. He is the center of attention...of course and having a ball!
Connie Tomlinson
Thank you, Terry! Love this post......everyone should know what a great job you do with these beautiful puppies and how blessed we are to be their puppy parents.
You are the best!
(Dear Puppy People, Sharon is referring to my blog post about Carter's birthday on our Letters From Foxglove Farm site, you can read it here, I LOVE sharing our babies all grown up and having adventures in their new homes).
Abigail Brown waiting for Santa!
Hi Terri,
I hope you are healthy and well!
Sawyer will be 16 on December 18th!
He has given us so much unconditional love! We count our blessings every day!!! If you have any other parents who have had their cavachon this long, pls share them with me. I would love to talk to them!
Love Cheryl and Ronnie and the boys’
“Gatsby says hi from her NYC penthouse! All of Broadway adores her!”
David Saint
(He's not kidding, Puppy People! I received a photo recently of Gatsby at an event with Marlo Thomas and her husband, Phil Donahue. Little Gatsby was happily snuggled in their arms, enjoying being the "star" of the party! What an amazing view of NYC at night!
Dear Terry,
Yesterday my husband and I went to our favorite Italian Restaurant in Lakeland, Florida. I'm guessing you may have already heard this story & seen a picture! Anyway, we always take our wonderful cavachon, Dudley, with us and dine on the patio. All the waiters know us and our dog. We've spoken with Manuela & Gianni Schiano several times, but yesterday they had their dog with them. She was so cute & sweet. I heard Gianni say to someone that she was a cavapoo. As we were leaving I asked where they got her & then we found out we both had one of your beloved babies!! So surprising and so exciting! We actually live in a very small town just outside Lakeland, Polk City, so everything we do is in Lakeland, which is still not a large city. It is safe to say we never expected to find another of your wonderful dogs here in Lakeland. It is a small, small world!
Since I'm writing I must take a minute to tell you about our adorable four-legged baby, Dudley. (The picture below might remind you of our little guy.) He was born July 27, 2011, named Trick or Treat. He was heaven sent to us on October 28th. I wrote you soon after & shared how my father, to whom I was a caregiver, died suddenly 2 days later. I was devastated, but our brand new puppy gave me laughs between the tears. Now Dudley is heading toward his 5th birthday. (Below, a recent picture of him in his car seat.) He is a sweet, friendly, intelligent, well-mannered, constant companion. In our large over 55 community everyone knows & loves Dudley. He also goes with us daily to an Assisted Living Facility, bringing joy to my 100 year old mother-in-law & smiles to the other residents. Should we make a stop without Dudley we are instantly chastised by residents and staff!
Dudley makes us laugh every day. He loves to play during the day and snuggle in the evening. We think Dudley is the perfect dog and we give thanks daily for having him in our lives. We also thank you for your care in breeding such wonderful dogs.
I don't have email for Manuela or Gianni. I know they did make a picture of both dogs which I'd love to see. Anyway, feel free to share are our email with them if you want.
Wishing you God's blessings, Shirley Hicks
Dear Terry,
I've attached the Angel Photo of Gabe, however the wings don't show up too well in the copy. They were attached with the white ribbon wrapped around him,.and looked ethereal in the original photo. It's a great photo of what a five year old Cavachon from Foxglove looks like. He'll be eight next month and is still just as handsome. Many thanks to you for my little companion. I love him to the moon and back. The pansies on your blog are so colorful and beautiful. I hope that things are going well with your mother. I keep you and her in my prayers.
Love & Blessings,
Violet & Gabriel
Terry, I thought of you the other day when I posted this photo on my Instagram for National Dog Day. Harley (6), Lola (5) and Lily (3) fill our house with such joy each and every day . Katherine Kornberg
“Terry, She really is the MOST OUTSTANDING dog!!! She is as naughty as they come, but has the face of an angel and all she wants 24/7 is a tummy rub. If you go over to pet her, she rolls over on her back WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER!!!
Once again, we have struck gold with your puppies!”
“Julius Oliver, now called “JuJu”, is totally in control and the owner of our house now. He goes to work with us and is also the new office manager lol! Everyone LOVES HIM! He gets along well with our 2 1/2 year old, and they play great together, Graeme is now a dog so they are best buddies. He is definitely the sweetest and most loving little fellow I’ve ever seen, thank you for sending us such a precious baby. I’ll send some pics just as soon as we are able to put him down.” ”
Everything is going great! I think Orange Crush or 'Ragnar' as we now call him has been loved and spoiled to pieces. He is named after my sons favorite viking warrior. Seems appropriate don't you think? (Not) Ha Ha. Our cat is not a fan, but she tolerates him. Luckily Ragnar does not persist when she hisses, and he just leaves her alone. (; We are very new to the puppy training thing, and I am trying my hardest to make sure I am doing everything just right. Your blog his very helpful, and I also ordered the book you suggested. I have a lot to learn! He is sitting on my lap right now. He truly is the sweetest thing.
Hi Terry,
It's funny how you end up at certain places in your life. I saw a video on-line of a Cavachon puppy and wondered, "What is a Cavachon?"
I hadn't heard of the breed, so I googled it. It took me the Foxglove Designer Puppies website. After reading a bit about them, I clicked on the "Available Puppies" tab and there she was. This adorable little face that just spoke to me through the screen. I knew I just had to have her. I started working on my husband, who DID not want another dog (we had 2 boxers at the time). I finally won his approval and we went to get her.
Now here's the funny part, instantly my husband took to her and fell head-over-heals in love with her. We both did. But, who wouldn't. She is unlike any other dog I have ever known. She has it all. She let's you hold her like a baby and will actually sleep this way, her tail wags non-stop (even in her sleep at times), she's wicked smart and was potty trained and learned all of her tricks almost immediately. But what I love most are her endearing eyes that is a gateway to her warm and loving personality.
Looking back over the past 2-1/2 years, she has enriched and enhanced our lives so immensely. I can't imagine our lives without her. She IS our four-legged daughter. She goes to work with us each day, travels on the plane with us when we go to our Florida home, and everything in between. We adore her!
I used to think we got soooooo lucky (which I still believe), but my parents now have Callie's cousin and he is proving that it's not just Callie, there is something very special about the breed and about the way Foxglove handles these precious little bundles before they find their forever home.
So, thank you Terry! We are blessed!
Ruth & Jeff Hague
Hi Terry
I thought I would send you some pictures of Callie over time. I will send several different messages for space purposes and will send a few videos of her tricks.
Feel free to use any of these as proof of this breed's wonderful qualities and beauty.
We LOVE her!!!
(Dear Puppy People, Here's the darling video of Callie going through her amazing routine of tricks, the one of her being a grizzly bear is priceless! Too adorable not to share!
I just want to take a minute to tell you again how special Simon is. He's such a sweet, affectionate, calm, and loving puppy! And he's already taken to structure with bed time and potty training. Only one accident in the house and that was when he was with my boys! Also, he's a great follower on the leash. A walk around the block and he's panting and ready for a nap. So cute! Of course we get stopped everywhere we go so people can pet and admire him.
I can't thank you enough. I've never had such an amazing puppy! (And I think he's the cutest of them all, including the new ones!)
You make miraculous puppies.
All best, Annette
We are so happy that ours is the home for precious Barkley. Here's a photo of his first swimming lesson at Pleasant Hill. We are so glad he is a part of our family. I also love what you posted on the website. Brought me to tears. I truly believe he was waiting for us. The boys love him and will enjoy watching them grow up together.
We love him!!!
The Hathaways
My California Girls...
You have no idea what Blessing your California Girls are. Thank you a million times for giving them the best start in their puppy life and picking the perfect puppies for us. They were with mom and I all day running all about and were PERFECT ANGELS! We Love You! "God's Blessings"
Lilly Get's A New Do!
Dear Terry,
Lizzy had her first grooming today! Isn't she adorable?
The picture doesn't do her justice -- she's irresistible,
and brilliant
and sweet
and obedient
and I love her
and she loves me back.
Thank you Terry, I'm so thankful for everything you did
to produce such a fabulous companion for me.
Words fail...
A note from the Kapoors:
We cannot thank you enough for Snow Bunny (now Zoey). She has integrated beautifully into our family and is a source of joy everyday. Kudos to you for terrific crate training - she arrived that way and to date makes zero fuss with her crate and is already 90% house trained in the span of a few short weeks since we have had her. She accompanied me to the Caribbean a couple of weeks ago and was awesome to travel (in cabin) with.
Just as your site says - she thinks everyone she passes by has come to meet specifically with her - he has a super personality and everyone in the family loves something different about her. She just has so much to offer and a massive fan following already.
What can I say - Thank you for Zoey and for your continued support and responsiveness on numerous topics/questions that I have solicited your advice.
Warmest Regards,
The Kapoors (DC metro area)
We have Benji! He is adorable and everyone is in love! He is so playful and happy.
The girls didn't want to let him go to sleep tonight. We've already been to Petsmart and are official dog owners :)
We've attached a picture of the girls with their new love.
Thanks again. We love him so!
Buddy graduated from his puppy class yesterday, can you believe Buddy has been with us for 2 months now?
He is doing great and we love him more every day. He really is a good boy and perfect match for our family. I told my husband I don't think he's a lap dog, he's a shoulder dog because he'd rather lay on us with his head over our shoulder than curl up on our lap.
He's still a puppy & has tons of energy, and he & Drew run in the backyard often. We're only a few blocks from Drew's school, so we walk and Buddy loves to go with us. He is so well behaved even in the chaos when they all get out in the afternoon.
He tries to say hi to everyone he sees, but will stay focused when walking on a leash. We still have so many people ask what kind of dog he is and tell us how cute he is.
Thank you for a wonderful puppy,
Lanetta Rowley
Bailey is just a joy! She is turning out to be MY little best friend and is with me for most of the day...and sleeps with me at night...I just LOVE her!! By the way, I have had 4 friends inquire seriously about your pups!!! 2 are from the WV and PA areas. The other 2 are from here in AZ. I highly recommended you!!
God Bless & Kindest regards,
Lauren Leber :)”
Hi Terry,
Oh she is so sweet and smart she has not had any accidents in the house. She knows what to do when I tell her to go potty. She runs around in fast circles. She has so much energy and goes from toy to toy.
She is trying to play with my cockapoo but Lola is a little sad about the new cute puppy. I think they will get along great eventually.
Ruby went to the vet today and did great she is tiny - only 3 1/2 pounds. No wonder her xxsmall coat is a little big. She is eating a ton so she should grow fast. She loves her drops and the vitamin wafers.
Here is a picture of her in a sweater that is too big.
Hi Terry,
I wanted to send you pictures of Higgins, now her name is Daisy. She is 3 years old now and the best dog ever!!!!
As you can see, she loves the outdoors and so do we. She goes camping every years with us and hiking year round.
She is the smartest and sweetest dog I've ever met! She understands at least 50 words!! I can walk her off a leash because she listens so well. Everyone that meets her loves her. Thanks for such a great puppy!
Dear Terry,
I hope you are well.
I would just like to tell you how wonderful Loukas is. He has become a great addition to our family. He is now about 8 pounds and is so healthy. He has an amazing energy that everyone falls in love with.
I would highly recommend you as a breeder anytime. You raise such beautiful puppies.
Thank you so much!
Nicole Puzio
“Dear Terry,
Bailey is just a joy! She is turning out to be MY little best friend and is with me for most of the day...and sleeps with me at night...I just LOVE her!!
By the way, I have had 4 friends inquire seriously about your pups!!! 2 are from the WV and PA areas. The other 2 are from here in AZ. I highly recommended you!!
God Bless & Kindest regards,
Lauren Leber :)”
Debra Baars
Sweet Jack & Rosebud
Hi Terry,
I’m not sure if you remember me or my 2 wonderful pups that I have been blessed with. I thank God every day that I found your website. Jack will be 7 next week and Rosebud was 6 in April. They are the love of my life, I have spoiled them rotten, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t thank you enough for breeding such wonderful puppies.
God Bless,
Brenda Davis
I get the most amazing mail from my puppy people.
The cutest selfie ever!!!
Everyday my Inbox is filled with images like this one of Ragnar (yes, he's named after a Viking warrior) and his proud owner Hannah, it's a selfie taken just to show how precious a Viking warrior can be.
Or this letter, from Breanna in Massachusetts, her family are the soon to be proud owners of our sweet Paper Moon, one of the most darling Cavapoo babies you'll ever meet.
"Hi Terry!
It definitely feels like Christmas Eve here, with all of the kids in brand-new pajamas, the lights twinkling on the tree, and the packages begging to be opened. We can't wait to have PM here! We had the most fun dinner conversation, throwing around names and thinking about how Sweet Briar, Janey, and Kelley & she will all be together. I'll let you know if she develops a Boston accent over time, and bahks rather than barks. : )
Yes, we're beyond happy.
Thank you again so much. What a joyful time.
Debra Baars
Such a good boy, Barley!