Got Questions?

I’m happy to help! Visit our Available Pup Pups page to see our current litter and for updates on puppy availability or send me an email here & I’ll get back with you in two shakes!

Warmest Wags Always,

Miss Terry

Foxglove Farm


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Cavachon and Cavapoo Puppies

Cavachon OR Cavapoo Pre-purchase Puppy Gift Card (Your Choice!)

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Cavachon OR Cavapoo Pre-purchase Puppy Gift Card (Your Choice!)


In an attempt to help Puppy Seekers secure a puppy from our upcoming litters, I’m making a limited number of gift cards available so you can know you have a puppy pre-purchased and one that will fit your schedule and help you avoid the mad dash to choose a puppy when the newsletter goes out. The incredible demand for our puppies hasn’t slowed, and the number of puppies available is sometimes very limited, especially if you have your heart set on a particular size and color to be delivered for your wife’s birthday or simply want to know you have a puppy in your back pocket just waiting for the timing to be right.

For those Puppy Seekers who want to purchase a Cavachon OR Cavapoo from an upcoming litter, you can secure a puppy with this gift card, and I’ll keep you in the loop with pictures of puppies that fit your wish list and time frame. If you choose a puppy priced less than your card, that amount will be refunded to your credit card, if you purchase a higher priced puppy, you can pay the balance when your puppy is ready to come home.

If you purchase a gift card, please email me at with your details and pertinent information: Do you have kids? How many, and what are their ages? Do you have other pets? If so, are they ready to (hopefully) welcome another dog into your home? Are you a Puppy Newbie or more of an expert in all things 🐶

Also, regarding the window of when you want a puppy to arrive, if you have a trip planned but want to have a puppy delivered when you arrive back home for example; so securing a puppy now might make sense for many families 😃

Most importantly, do you prefer a Cavachon or a Cavapoo puppy? Your gift card can be applied to either; just let me know your favorite! 🐶

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