Cavachon and Cavapoo Puppies
Foxglove Farm Cruise (SORRY! I'm SOLD to Jaimie In Pennsylvania!)
Foxglove Farm Cruise (SORRY! I'm SOLD to Jaimie In Pennsylvania!)
Cavachon Puppy Tri-Color Such a BEAUTIFUL Boy So here’s my other heartthrob in a litter full of beauteous Cavachon babies. I showed purebred dogs for many a year and like to believe I earned “An eye for a dog” in that school of exceedingly hard knocks,,, suffice to say that I’m keenly critical of things like confomration and type, alllll puppies are loveable and precious but OH when they are also BEAUTIFUL the best of all worlds is achieved. Add to that a delightfully affectionate disposition and the cutest face a puppy ever had??? What more could you ask (Cruise said a pound of dog biscuits maybe???).