Cavachon and Cavapoo Puppies
Foxglove Farm Lollipup (SORRY I'm SOLD to Eleanor in Michigan!)
Foxglove Farm Lollipup (SORRY I'm SOLD to Eleanor in Michigan!)
Cavachon Puppy Sable & White Girl Lollipup started out thinking that her little peach colored fancy hat was EDIBLE,,, and her bubble was completely burst when she realized that it was something to WEAR,,, not something to EAT… Oh the trials of life as a puppy say’s this fluffy bundle of puppy goodness. (This litter is just so outstanding, I LOVE every one of them!). Personality shines through on all of these babies, teachable, trainable, willing, cheerful and brave (even when having to wear scary hats!). Size on Lollipup should be about 12 pounds when all grown up!