Cavachon and Cavapoo Puppies
Foxglove Farm Snow Bunny SOLD to Somsiila and Somara Dorfman in Texas! 🌟
Foxglove Farm Snow Bunny SOLD to Somsiila and Somara Dorfman in Texas! 🌟
Cavachon Puppy Blenheim Girl This little girl is such a sweetie, a bit softer disposition (she's still playful and very social) but warms up a pinch slower than some of the other puppies, she's a bit of a thinker which I love. Middle-sized, about 16 pounds grown, big enough to walk with you around the neighborhood but small enough to fit in your laundry room sink for her baths lol! She does have a minor underbite (her bottom teeth are a pinch in front of her top teeth, not an issue health-wise at all but it does reduce her price by $500 to $6000. She is super cute and even prettier in person, I love her loving expression and those beautiful eyes, she is just a dollbaby!