Cavachon and Cavapoo Puppies
Foxglove Farm Snowdrift 🎄 (SOLD! & Bringing much puppy joy to Caroline and Henry in Charlotte ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ )
Foxglove Farm Snowdrift 🎄 (SOLD! & Bringing much puppy joy to Caroline and Henry in Charlotte ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ )
Cavapoo Puppy ADORABLE Ruby & White Parti-Color Girl So, I delayed posting this baby’s description a bit to let the Puppy Dust settle eek!!! We are swamped with Puppy Seekers and love every one of you and want to share the exact description for each puppy so that you are able to make a good choice in this day of zooming puppy sales for Foxglove Farm. Back to Snowdrift. Oh, I love this darling puppy, she is gloriously pretty with an icing white coat and frost tipped ruby spots perfectly placed throughout. She’s super sweet and not for boisterous children or noisy households. She’s a quiet soul and takes a bit to warm up (then she’s typical puppy and she can zoom with the best of them lol!). That being said, she’s looking for a lap to sit in and a person or two to follow faithfully from room to room. The most precious baby, but don’t buy her if that doesn’t describe your castle castle 🏰