Cavachon Puppies For Sale II
Our current litters of Cavachon and Cavapoo puppies!
Foxglove Farm Silverado "I've found my forever 🏡 with Stephen & Talia in Miami!" Right click my picture for LOTS more of my BEAUTIFUL photos!
Foxglove Farm Silverado "I've found my forever 🏡 with Stephen & Talia in Miami!" Right click my picture for LOTS more of my BEAUTIFUL photos!
Cavapoo Puppy RARE RARE RARE Phantom Blue Merle Boy LOVE this puppy | 12 - 14 Pound Adult Size
Isn’t this the most beautiful puppy you’ve ever seen?!!? Be prepared; I’m going to use up all my adjectives and a whole drawer full of exclamation points on this litter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I can't help myself. I have wanted to raise this color Cavapoo for decades, and I couldn't be happier to have a litter of five of the beautiful blue babies! Oh, but Silverado! He needs to have a calendar all of his own. An Instagram account. His own YouTube channel and perhaps a line of doggie accessories with his likeness emblazoned over everything. In my mad enthusiasm, I almost designed a T-shirt with his beautiful face front and center and those eyes,,,, I can’t decide if they’re turquoise, or aquamarine, or sea blue, all favorite colors of mine and when they are found in the face of a beautiful puppy almost miraculously beautiful, I can just sit and look into them.
I am head over heels in love.
And yes, I've always threatened to have a $10,000 puppy, but if you divide that into 12 or 15 years of owning one of the most wondrous canine companions on the planet, even a $10,000 puppy will pay for himself a thousand times over. In the joy he brings to your heart and the smile he brings to your face every time you look at him, and yes, the pride going down the boulevard with an utterly unique and stunningly beautiful dog at the end of the lead.
But lest you think his charms are all external, I promise he is as lovely inside as he is outside. He has a stateliness at times when I call the look of eagles in his expression, and then the little munchkin can turn around and hopscotch across the floor, white boots ablazing as he skitters after everyone's latest newest favorite toy; the infamous purple chicken, a disreputable bundle of purple fluff that I can't wait to toss in the rubbish, it's the most awful shade of purple but they dearly love it so what can I do?
Well, I've gone on and on and on, and I'll finish by saying John really wants to keep this boy, and I would dearly love to keep him, too. I only get really tempted occasionally but this is one of those times. As soon as I see someone has purchased him I can step away from the cliff, but until then my finger too, is hovering over the purchase button! Sweet puppy dreams everyone!