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Warmest Wags Always,

Miss Terry

Foxglove Farm


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Foxglove Farm Cherry Cobbler "I''ve found my forever 🏡  with the Gendron family in Florida!" (For more of my yummy pictures just touch my nose!)

Cavapoo and Cavachon Puppies iii

Foxglove Farm Cherry Cobbler "I''ve found my forever 🏡 with the Gendron family in Florida!" (For more of my yummy pictures just touch my nose!)

sold out

Foxglove Farm Cherry Cobbler "I''ve found my forever 🏡 with the Gendron family in Florida!" (For more of my yummy pictures just touch my nose!)


Cavapoo Puppy Ruby & White Girl | 12 - 14 Pounds Adult Size | Currently 4.5 Pounds | SO PRETTY!!!

Cherry Cobbler was peacefully enjoying her favorite kong (stuffed with toothsome liver treats, of course) when her siblings discovered her prize, and the race was on! Before it was over, all the treats were gone, and poor Cherry was trying to make do with a boring stuffed duck; she couldn’t wait to get to her new home and have ALL the toys to herself, and no more sharing!

She’s so pretty, but wait till you see her furry self in person. That's what everyone tells me, by the way, because most of our puppies are delivered via puppy nanny (if the new family is more than 3 or 4 hours drive from Foxglove Farm). I've heard it a hundred times, yes,,, the pictures are just like eye candy,,, but oh my gosh the puppy is EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL IN PERSON!

Which is why I try to take lots and lots of pictures of each puppy, so even if you can’t meet a puppy face to face, you can see each puppy shining brightly even if you’re in Peoria or Pensacola or Pasadena, and have no intention of making the trip to Ohio!

Back to our little redhead, there's something about her expression that is so winning and appealing I predict she'll fly off the page and be utterly irresistible to that special someone who is looking for precisely this puppy! 

I spend a lot of time looking into puppy faces and determining personalities and character traits to help me navigate them to their future families. This baby tells me that she's going to be a delight, whatever the setting. She'll make an excellent companion for your elderly Cocker Spaniel or a most entertaining playmate for your 8-year-old twins. Speaking about sharing, some parents tell me they have to set a timer so each child gets a fair share of one-on-one time with the new baby! Cherry Cobbler says she can’t wait to be the center of everyone’s attention đź’–

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