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Warmest Wags Always,

Miss Terry

Foxglove Farm


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Foxglove Farm Cocoa Bean "I've found my forever 🏡 with the Pinsky family in Florida!" (Right-click the 💐  for more of my DARLING pictures!)

Cavapoo and Cavachon Puppies iii

Foxglove Farm Cocoa Bean "I've found my forever 🏡 with the Pinsky family in Florida!" (Right-click the 💐 for more of my DARLING pictures!)

sold out

Foxglove Farm Cocoa Bean "I've found my forever 🏡 with the Pinsky family in Florida!" (Right-click the 💐 for more of my DARLING pictures!)


Cavachon Puppy Mahogany Sable & White Boy 16 to 18 Pounds Grown

Isn’t this the most handsome baby, with his slightly woebegon face peering out at the camera as if to say,,, “Would someone please tell me why do I have to have my pictures taken when I wanted to go outside and play in the SNOW,,, not look at these DUMB FROGS!!?”.

I tried hard to convince Cocoa Bean that all the Puppy Peeps were going to swoon with delight when they saw his beautifulness. Still, though he pondered thoughtfully, he took one look at the frogs and proceeded to fall into a major mope. He decided he might as well take a nap if we were only going to do BORING STUFF! (So much for my spring props! I do love those little frogs 🐸 ).

I, for one, am totally over the snow. It has ceased to fill my heart with delight at this stage of winter- well, perhaps not entirely. It’s drifting down as I write this and making Foxglove Farm look like a Currier & Ives painting. I can almost love it again when snow comes down like the softest of white feathers, and we are in the perfect snow-globe. It’s another matter entirely when, instead of fleecy snow, we have rain that turns to sleet and then coats every surface in a glare of ice! The puppies think skating around on the slippery stuff is entertaining- the wonderful innocence of youth, I say, lol!

Back to this exceedingly handsome puppy boy, oh that delicious mahogany coat and those snowy white boots, he’s pretty as a picture even if he didn’t want to stand up so everyone could appreciate his beautifulness!

A few minutes after the picture taking was finished, he was zooming around outdoors, hop-hop-hopping through the white stuff, chasing Flower with all his might. One wouldn’t dream that the meek little morsel gazing wistfully from these photos could be so full of joy and exuberance, typical boy I promise you. Ah, but nap-time beckoned after about 15 minutes of snowball throwing and Flower chasing, and before you could say sleepyhead, our Cavachon abomiable snowdog was snuggled fast asleep in his bed, dreaming of frogs and tulips and other oh so bewildering parts of growing up and finding one’s forever 🏡

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