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I’m happy to help! Visit our Available Pup Pups page to see our current litter and for updates on puppy availability or send me an email here & I’ll get back with you in two shakes!

Warmest Wags Always,

Miss Terry

Foxglove Farm


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Foxglove Farm Silver Belle "Please don't purchase me! I'm on HOLD! Tap my golden bow for lots more pictures of my beautiful self!"

Cavapoo and Cavachon Puppies iii

Foxglove Farm Silver Belle "Please don't purchase me! I'm on HOLD! Tap my golden bow for lots more pictures of my beautiful self!"


Foxglove Farm Silver Belle "Please don't purchase me! I'm on HOLD! Tap my golden bow for lots more pictures of my beautiful self!"


Cavapoo Puppy Blue Merle Phantom Girl

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