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Warmest Wags Always,

Miss Terry

Foxglove Farm

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Foxglove Farm Teddy Biscuit "I've found my forever šŸ” with the Judge family in Massachusetts ! (Pat my tiny toes for MORE PICTURES!)

Cavapoo and Cavachon Puppies iii

Foxglove Farm Teddy Biscuit "I've found my forever šŸ” with the Judge family in Massachusetts ! (Pat my tiny toes for MORE PICTURES!)

sold out

Foxglove Farm Teddy Biscuit "I've found my forever šŸ” with the Judge family in Massachusetts ! (Pat my tiny toes for MORE PICTURES!)


Cavachon Puppy TOY SIZE Tricolor Boy 8 - 10 Pounds Grown!!!

Can you even believe how CUTE!!??? Couldnā€™t you kiss him right on his little mouth?! And he knows it, too. This baby is so chock-full of character; he prances around like a tiny pony, convinced that heā€™s all that and a bag of chips. Thank you kindly!

I know, his pictures are mouth-watering, but I promise, heā€™s even a million times more adorable in person. He was thrilled to have his pictures taken, the little ham lol. The camera just loves some puppies, and their personality simply leaps into every frame; Teddy Biscuit posed happily as I marveled that such a small creature could be so ridiculously adorable, and brave and trusting and even love my funny looking frogs (unlike some puppies we know, not mentioning any names C.B.!).

He has charmed the socks off all of us, my little brother Richard was here the other day and said that heā€™s never seen a cuter puppy in his life (and heā€™s seen some Puppy Stars!) he scooped Teddy up and I had to pry him out of his arms before he went home lol. If you are equally smitten, reach out, and we can decide if heā€™s the perfect fit for you. No tiny kids, please; older, careful kiddos would be fine. He does love children!

Thatā€™s a minor understatement. He loves everyone. This trusting little soul has decided that the whole human race is especially loveable, he never meets a stranger and is convinced that the whole wide world loves dogs and especially puppies,,, and most especially tiny Tricolor puppies named Teddy Biscuit and everyone out there is longing for a chance to pick him up too and tell him how truly irresistable he is ā¤ļø

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