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I’m happy to help! Visit our Available Pup Pups page to see our current litter and for updates on puppy availability or send me an email here & I’ll get back with you in two shakes!

Warmest Wags Always,

Miss Terry

Foxglove Farm


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The Puppy Post Blog

The Puppy Post Blog is written for lovers of dogs of all ages.  

Snookums Is Not Impressed With My Valentine's Extravaganza! 💝 💝 💝

Terry Cross

Some puppies are so easy to take pictures of, they gaze at the camera with happy curiosity, shivering with puppy delight at the opportunity to explore new frontiers. For example, Pitty Pat had no problem posing in the midst of a dozen or two Valentine hearts, all within tempting reach. She gazed at each new addition happily, trying to decide which one she could cart off and hide for an afternoon snack.

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Puppy Journeys

Terry Cross

Puppy travel has changed a lot over the years, (thank heavens). Though for many years we safely sent puppies to their new homes using the major airlines and I must admit they did a truly fantastic job of delivering our puppies all over the country…

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Little Puppy Valentines Posting Today!

Terry Cross

Beautiful Cavachon Puppy for sale.jpg

So some of the babies in this litter are going to cause a riot, here’s one of them… Just the homepage preview is already filling my Inbox with pleas to hold this or that puppy, I feel like the only clerk at a big box superstore at times. We work through the process slowly and be prepared for me to make an executive decision on where each puppy goes. There’s only ONE of each and whether my pick of the litter puppy or one of the other equally lovable babies, I end up sorting through dozens of inquiries and to help each baby make his or her way to their forever home : ) : ) : )

Beautiful Cavachon Puppy from Foxglove Farm.jpg

Daffodil will most certainly be sold the moment I publish her listing as will several of these new puppies, don’t despair though, I truly believe if you miss a puppy it’s because another puppy is waiting in the wings for you. John and I pray that each one of our small charges goes to their proper home and that they bring many puppy blessings to each family. Sometimes it’s a journey and puppies like Sleigh Belle or Candy Land will linger a while, waiting for their people to find them. Sometimes it’s the opposite and everyone is fighting over another puppy, I never know who is going to jump off the page first and into some Puppy Seeker’s heart but it all works out in the end I promise.

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Everyone knows I love my Blenheim Cavachon babies, I can’t help it. The beautiful gold and white color seems to go hand in hand with a lovely nature. That being said, of course, in the next puppy bio I’ll be rhapsodizing about the Tri-Colors (they are soooo smart with a delicious witty character) and then the Sables (who can resist that gorgeous color, they do have high opinions of their own beauty though lol) and yesssss, the RUBIES!!! I ADORE the Ruby coats on my Cavapoo kiddos. They might be a pinch more precocious but they outgrow it quickly!

But, as usual, I digress, back to Honey Bun who is not only deliciously attractive on the outside, inside beats the heart of a true companion dog. She’s smart and funny and extra affectionate. She loves everyone she meets and while she’s thrilled to be carried around like a shoulder bag, a romp outdoors is her cup of tea until her paws get cold and then UP, she’s ready to be back in your arms lol!

Puppies are posting later today, prepare to fall in PUPPY LOVE my friends!

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Agatha's Pet Wellness Ad Graphic Dogs under blanket

Cavapoo Candy Cane Kids!

Terry Cross

Hello Dear Puppy People & Puppy Seekers, My Inbox has been filled with letters from you pleading for pictures of the upcoming Cavapoo puppies. Everyone knows I’m not a fan of putting a puppy under the Christmas tree, too much excitement for the new arrival, better to get a puppy before or after the happy commotion of Christmas morning and thus not upset the applecart with getting your puppy off to a good start when everyone isn’t quite so distracted!

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Mama Say's Thanks For Not Calling : ) : ) : )

Terry Cross

You' all have been WONDERFUL! Thanks so much for being so patient while I'm healing from my recent vocal surgery : ) (Hubby says that what I get for talking too much!!!) Actually, it’s been OK communicating with everyone via text and emails, I don't know how (thank you Lord!) but it's worked fine! I try to answer everyone but if I miss you, try again!

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A Puppy Postscript

Terry Cross

Cavachon puppy with toy fox and raccoon.jpg

So I promised last night to have this litter of only FOUR puppies posted by noon today, but it'll be 1 o'clock dear Puppy Peeps!  And please don't panic, I have other puppies coming ready in about a week and finally, Cavapoos again in two weeks! 

(Sometimes I feel like a lone saleswoman, singlehandedly trying to handle the Black Friday rush in the world-wide-web of frantic puppy seekers). Speaking of the WWW, I’m waiting on a call from the Internet Police to tell me I’m not allowed to post TWENTY-SEVEN PHOTOS of any single puppy!!! 

Oh, but how could I not??? I make it my job to share with you dear Puppy People the heart and soul of each of these small creatures in my care. It’s my passion to capture the personality of each puppy clearly, with almost life-sized photos (LOTS OF THEM) with concise puppy bios to help each fluffy baby tell their story and find their own special people, the people who need them...

Cavachon puppy Chickadee.jpg

Puppies like our “Chickadee” the little mother of the group. A most earnest puppy with a heart of gold, she tends to the stuffed animals in her care like they are her babies (only occasionally nibbling thoughtfully on one when temptation strikes lol).

I don't envy anyone trying to navigate the web, searching by the hour for the perfect puppy for their family.  The good news is your job just got much easier. You could almost shut your eyes and choose a puppy from the litters I'm posting now and in the next few weeks. 

Good babies all.  Compliant and sweet-natured, without a strong-willed puppy kid in the lot.  (Take that you Pembroke Welsh Corgis! I've been there, trust me, when it comes to dogs, strong-willed is not where you want to go...


WHEW, I feel better,,, as I told sweet Sarah from Chicago this morning (who now has "Blue" on hold) I'll never forget the mom who called me and said it was finally time for her to get a puppy to enjoy, "now that the last of the kids were headed off to college"....
