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The Puppy Post Blog

The Puppy Post Blog is written for lovers of dogs of all ages.  

Filtering by Category: Best Dog Supplies

When Your Little Pumpkin Needs Some Pumpkiny Peanut Buttery Bliss 🧡

Terry Cross


I love their products and the limited edition seasonal packaging makes me smile!


Isn’t this the cutest packaging you've ever seen? I bought it just so I can let it sit on the counter in these broiling hot August days until the cool, crisp autumn finally arrives. It's almost like having a pumpkin spice latte in my hand and watching the first frost on the pumpkins. As of today, they still have this limited edition in stock so grab yours before some faster Puppy Mom buys them all up lol. (that would be me!).

I’m always encouraging people to keep treats in their pockets so they can offer a lightning-fast reward to their puppy (or grown dog, says Hastings!). These are great for toting in pockets, have no smell, are not crumbly, and are delicious!

I love Mother Hubbard’s snacks, simple, nutritious treats, great for cleaning teeth, and perfect when you want a yummy snack for your dog that won't spoil his dinner. Check out all the different varieties, but here at my house, the peanut butter is everyone's favorite! I just checked Amazon and they still have these in stock so hurry if you want a bag on your counter! There’s a coupon code here so don’t forget to add it to your order!

Peanut butter & banana another yummy dog biscuit favorite!

Peanut butter and banana, another yummy choice, banana adds a boost of tummy pleasing fiber and don’t miss my other favorite, Carrot & Pumpkin is also on sale!

Yak Dental Chew Review

Terry Cross

With only 4 ingredients: cow milk, yak milk, lime, and salt; I’m kind of in love with these Native Pet Yak Chews. There are lots of options in this category, many of which I don’t recommend, but this is a sturdy and slightly indestructible option for everyone from the teething puppy to the adult dog who needs to work on keeping his teeth pearly white.

I bought the medium-sized, 15-count package so I could taste-test them on puppies and dogs of all ages. Hastings was the first canine guinea pig. I and he had the funniest reaction. I still haven't figured out what was going on in his little mind, but after reading the ingredient list, it might have been that he could smell an unknown creature in the mix. Having never personally met a yak, he wasn't entirely sure if they were edible or not.

I gave him the first one out of the bag; it was a rather bland-looking beige object about 7 inches long, feeling a lot like a Nylabone in density and weight. There was no smell to speak of, at least to my human nose, and overall, I’d say it was not particularly tasty-looking, but who am I to judge, not being a dog? 

Anyway, off goes Hastings with his new prize to his bed, where he proceeds to lay down beside it and whine, and cry under his breath. Sometimes he does this when he's really happy but I'm thinking he was a little bit more on the confused side of the track. After he decided that it was indeed his very own and that he was allowed to chew on it to his heart's content, all holds were off and he spent the next few hours going back and forth and picking it up and chewing it enthusiastically.

After all that chewing, I was sure he would have substantially reduced it in size, but happily, it resisted most of his efforts and just had a line of tooth marks on both edges, with about 6 & 15/16 inch remaining for future fun.

Quincy, a 12-week-old Cavachon puppy, pounced on his Yak chew and carried it around proudly in his mouth, waggling and woggling with puppy delight. It proved a huge success with the puppies and withstood their determined efforts and sharp little teeth without a problem. They did manage to make a slight impression along the sides, but after their chewing session, they enjoyed a blissful hour of napping, dreaming about unusual creatures on the African bush, I’m sure.

All in all, I see it being an excellent tool for both satisfying the urge to chew and providing hours of canine entertainment. It’s free of dyes and colors, and while I’d use caution if you’ve an elderly dog with dental problems, for the average healthy dog who loves to chew I think it’s a great product and will help eliminate plaque and tarter AND be a long-lasting chew you can feel good about providing for your pet.

I just checked the pricing on Amazon; they’ve got 10% off running now and an incredible 35% off subscription orders. I’d try the small package to start, and you can set your subscription for the longest window, as they do last forever!

When Your Really Didn't Mean To Throw Up On The Carpet

Terry Cross

Thank goodness for Amazon’s speedy shipping; that’s all I can say 😮

When your good dog decides to ingest something unspeakable from the backyard and, after pondering his upset tummy, deposits it helpfully on mom’s snow-white bedroom carpet, the Bissell miracle that I didn’t even know I was going to need was, thanks to Amazon Prime, already delivered and ready to rescue my carpet!

This is Hastings, the Cavachon, who, as you can see by his expression, is anything but repentant about having thrown up on the carpet; he’s already comptemplating his next snack event, I can tell by that dreamy expression on his spoiled rotten little face.

I’m all about cleaning, I love housekeeping (sorry, to those who don’t like cleaning the house, it’s true!), and keeping everything shipshape and Bristol fashion is one of my favorite things to do. I had been eyeing the Bissell Little Green for a while and finally decided to go ahead and order the upgraded model with the steam cleaning option. O’ happy day! I had ordered this little gem a few days before my Hasting’s tummy event and it was still sitting in the box.

Downstairs, I raced to the garage where my new purchase sat, awaiting just such a carpet emergency; I almost hugged it in my relief though I sincerely had grave doubts as to what it would be able to do to eliminate this particularly nastly mess.

My brother Richard, who had stopped in for a visit and loves to give products the acid test, quickly helped me unbox it, and we dove in.

I had already promised everyone a review when it arrived, but now I had a white carpet in dire need of rescue, so I filmed the entire episode, including my goofy Hastings hanging out on my bed overseeing our efforts; he’s helpful like that…

I will spare you the “before” images and jump to the happy ending. Not only did my favorite new doggie cleanup product make short work of Hastings's tummy indiscretion, but we decided to try it in the guest room on stains from a spilled can of Coke that had defied even professional stain removal attempts.

We used the good-sized sample bottle of cleaner that came with the unit; though designed for pet events, it worked beautifully on the ancient Coke spill and several other old spots that I’d given up hope of ever eliminating. I was delighted, still skeptical, but delighted.

We tried all of the old carpet stains with the same wonderful results.

I can’t tell you how low my expectations were. Some pet accidents are truly permanent if they’ve been allowed to sit very long on fabric. I watched dismally as the sudsy water miraculously sped into the fibers and literally erased every trace of the nasty yellow stain.

Not only did it remove the stains completely, but thankfully, two weeks later, the nap on my carpet looks refreshed, and unlike other machines I’ve tried, it has left no telltale evidence of clumped carpet fibers to mark the spots.

This is my new favorite pet product. If you have pets, you can count on issues like this one, whether it’s on your carpet or the brand new couch in the den. Suddenly, you don’t have to lay awake nights worrying about stains (am I the only woman who does that?). This amazing machine will pay for itself dozens of times over in the years you have it, and you’ll sleep better at night knowing it can handle whatever life throws at your floors.

I’m glad I sprung for the upgrade to the model with steam; it was a bit more pricey, but I’m convinced the addition of steam and stronger suction to remove the dirty water and used cleaning solution was the reason the stains were completely eliminated.

The real acid test and reason for my lingering sceptisism? I waited anxiously to see what would happen after the carpet had a chance to dry thoroughly. Almost 2 weeks later, instead of resurfacing as many supposedly cleaned spots can do, I still have a lovely white carpet, and best of all?

I just checked Amazon and you can get one, too, for an amazing 41% Off! Today is July 29th, and I don’t know how long the discount will apply, but if you have pets or are even thinking about getting a puppy you need this sitting in your garage waiting for your next carpet emergency!

And just in case you were feeling sorry for the little hoodlum? Hastings is happily back in his Mom’s good graces 💕

Hastings lounging like a good dog wannabe…

What A Great Way To Entertain Your Bored Dog

Terry Cross

Such an ingenious design, a new product by WOOF called the Pupsicle; I’m not entirely sure what category it falls into. Is it a dog puzzle toy? A canine pacifier? A treat dispenser or frozen yogurt holder? Whatever you call it, it’s a genius design, and every dog should have one (or two, so you have a spare waiting in the freezer with a cooling treat like yogurt frozen inside).

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