Got Questions?

I’m happy to help! Visit our Available Pup Pups page to see our current litter and for updates on puppy availability or send me an email here & I’ll get back with you in two shakes!

Warmest Wags Always,

Miss Terry

Foxglove Farm


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The Puppy Post Blog

The Puppy Post Blog is written for lovers of dogs of all ages.  

Looking For Puppy Bliss?

Terry Cross

Clara Rose & Cavachon Puppy Friend

Spring has sprung at Foxglove Farm, good news for you puppy seekers out there looking for that perfect puppy to make some little person's face shine with PUPPY JOY (Clara Rose came to visit the other day and I don't know who had more fun, the puppies or this precious little one!

Foxglove Farm Cavachons with Clara Rose

As most of my puppy people know, I wear two hats, Agatha's Apothecary is one passion and as a dog breeder, my other love is raising amazing puppies that bring the sort of joy pictured above. To say all of this keeps me busy is a major understatement, but doing what you love is a privilege and I have some of the best customers in the world, you all are just amazing.  

Some of you have been getting this newsletter since the beginning, and like Terri in PA who dreams of her someday puppy : ) or Marj in Atlanta with Benji (who must be almost 9 years old by now!) where did the time go?!


Cavachon puppy with little girl

All that to say, sorry for the delay in sending out the "heads up" newsletter (that let's puppy people know when we post a new litter) and I'll try to be brisker in the future!  As a recent puppy person wailed "The puppies are all gone by the time I open the newsletter!"

Foxglove Farm Cavachons

Sometimes true, but I always feel like each puppy finds his or her way to exactly the right home, it's all part of their journey and I love watching that process unfold.  

Cavachon Puppy sable and white

In the meantime, have a look, the puppies are indeed posted, a few will undoubtedly be snatched up.  "Foxglove Farm I'm The Bee's Knees" has caused a bit of a puppy riot with about 5 people waiting in line if his adoption falls through, but there are simply extordinary puppies still available.  Good "old-fashioned dogs" all, simply waiting to make you part of their puppy journey!

Thanks again for your friendship, enjoy the PUPPY LOVE!


Let's keep our puppies (and grown up dogs healthy puppy people!  I'm on a bit of a tangent lately about flea control, please be an informed pet owners, the common products that you'll get at your local veterinarian's office are toxic to pets and people alike.  there are safer ways to eliminate fleas without using products that will harm your kids and your pets.  

please stay safe with flea control puppy people!

Agatha's Apothecary Elixir